Saturday, July 4, 2009

Good summer reading

I just finished reading this book by Meg Cabot. I don't think it's my favorite of hers (that's probably "All American Girl"), but it was still a good, fast, light summer read. It's one of those perfect books for when you're just lazing around, and there were lots of very funny parts. It's one of those books you could sit around reading all day and still be enjoying yourself. Basically, it's about this girl who's always been nerdy who suddenly ends up as a supermodel (for reasons I won't get into).

I have to say, it's a little frustrating when you know/figure something crucial out before the narrator, and that's what happened with this book. Then you end up reading these big long sections where the narrator's like, "What is going on?" and you're like, "C'mon, figure it out already," and that can get a little old. However, that's not totally the author's fault. I guess it's more my fault for reading the back cover. The other complaint I have is that not a whole lot happened in the book. Not that that's always a bad thing, but this mostly just felt like a lot of intro. Then again, that also makes sense, since there's a sequel that I'm sure Meg Cabot wants people to go read now. I'll add it to my list of sequels I'd like to get to. 7 pretel bites!


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