Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Because it's one of my favorite movies

Fight Club
I was a little bit mad at this author (Chuck Palahniuk) because I read his book "Choke" and I was really disappointed. However, "Fight Club" is one of my favorite movies, and I figured I should read the book that it was based on and give our pal Chuck another chance. For any of you who don't know, "Fight Club" is about a man whose life is kind of stuck who goes on to help form a club where men beat each other up and the madness that ensues (and quite a lot of madness ensues). That synopsis was very brief, but I don't want to give anything away.

"Fight Club" is worth reading (also, I just liked reading the author's note at the end about the history of the book). First of all, it made me realize just what a good job they did with the movie, and how cool they made it visually. They could have totally screwed it up, but they didn't. For the first 3/4 of the book or so, the movie follows pretty closely. However, the endings get a little different. Two guys I know were arguing, because one of them said the movie ending was a cop out. And the other guy said that the book ending was kind of a cop out. You decide. I think I like the movie ending better, but hey, maybe it is a cop out.

While I was reading "Fight Club," I had a lot of people tell me, "Oh, I didn't like the movie. It was too violent" or "I didn't understand the movie. I bet the book would be easier to understand." And to that I say: 1. Yes, it's violent. That's part of the point, and that's part of what makes it good. 2. The movie is much more clear-cut than the book, so don't look to it for simplicity. The book is very cryptic in some places, but I think that really adds to Palahniuk's overall style and makes the book more interesting. Chuck redeemed himself a little bit. 7.5 pretzel bites!

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